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Really not hitting those big moments right now - but one day I will. I hope.

Saturday, 27 August 2011


This will be a short blog. We spent the day by the pool. Then we went to Francky’s. This was a tiny little typical roadside spit and sawdust French bar. Just how they manage to cook such excellent food for so little, where in the UK, for the similar amount of cash, you are lucky if you even get spit in your food, is beyond me.

Pool to the right, grass to the left. But you have probably worked that out for yourself.

We all tucked into Moules, mariniere and Provencal. Coquilles Saint-Jacques Breton style, Langoustines, steak hache (simply massive kids burgers) Roquefort and pear, Camembert and caramel, and more ice cream than we could collectively deal with. It was a stunning meal. We were all very happy with a touch of sadness that the holiday was coming to an end.

I doesn't look much from the outside and has more plastic
furniture than B&Q but it was quite special. Chez Francky's

I will only eat in restaurants that display their menu in this way
from now on. Le Gavroche had better sharpen their act. 

Curious (not French) things spotted today:

• The other people round the pool.

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